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Engaging Minds, Broadening Horizons

A Warm Welcome

Message from the headteacher:

Picture of Headteacher, Geoff Lumsdon

I am extremely proud to be Headteacher of Seaham High School. In our recent OFSTED report from September 2023 Inspectors said "This school is a place where pupils can be themselves and where tolerance and respect are understood by the pupils who attend."  In 2013 inspectors said that this was a school where “every child really matters”. This is a statement we were extremely proud of and have adopted as an overarching principle over the last decade. We want children to be safe, we want them to be happy, and we want them to achieve. In order to achieve that, we have to help students to learn to respect themselves but also to understand their responsibility to respect the rights of others and the wider community. We encourage students to be kind, to have integrity and to be proud of themselves, their school and their wider community.  I am delighted that Inspectors have recognised the hard work that has gone into and continues to go into developing this culture.

We believe that the core purpose of our school is to engage the minds of all learners who attend in order to broaden their future by providing the opportunity to maximise life chances. We offer everything needed to succeed, a curriculum that responds to the needs of each and every individual. Learning experiences that are diverse, flexible, rich, experiential and active. Dynamic personalised teaching and learning, high standards, high expectations and great challenges.

Mr G W Lumsdon, Headteacher

Our Vision:

“To enable the young people of Seaham to achieve the highest possible outcomes which they can use to continue their learning and make a valuable contribution to the global society in which we all now live. They should feel safe, secure, be free from prejudice and be able to develop a mutual respect for all others. Students should be ready to take on the challenges of the twenty-first century and leave school with hope for their future. They should have the confidence to take on new opportunities and know where to turn when a helping hand is required. When they leave, their minds have been engaged, their horizons have been broadened and they should have valued their educational experience.”

Message from sTUDENT president:

School President - Charlotte H

Hello everyone, I’m Charlotte Hazel and I am extremely lucky to be Seaham High School’s student president. It really is an honour!

Students throughout all ages are all treated with respect and are welcomed with open arms in order to make sure everybody feels comfortable in the safe, school environment we strive to create on a daily basis. Teachers are more than happy to support you in anything you need in and out of the classroom and aim to build positive relationships with every individual student. Because of this, I feel that students are really comfortable enough to come to staff with issues so they can offer advice or solutions on things from mental health to homework. I hope that very student comes out of our school confident enough to take the next steps in their life due to this support.

In my opinion, our school is such an amazing place for students, like myself, to feel comfortable and express themselves in whichever way they choose. This can be during school time during lessons or through the several clubs the school has to offer after school or during lunch and break. I can say first hand that these clubs can help to form strong friendships and distractions from the stress that school can sometimes bring.

As soon as you step through our door, you are a part of our wonderful community and that to me is something extremely rare and special. We are all in this together and teachers and students prove that every day! 

I have loved my time at Seaham High School so far and I can’t wait to see the positive impact I can have during my time as President. I am excited to see what the future holds and I'm so glad you are going to be a part of it!

Message from sTUDENT VICE president:

School Vice President - Sebastian D

Hello my name is Sebastian Dzuibek and I am one of the new Vice-Presidents. 

In my opinion this school comes with many opportunities for students and ways for them to engage further. Activities after school are held on a regular basis which are held by different teachers and subjects.

I believe that what makes this school special is that the harder a student works, the more benefits they can achieve, such as school trips and many more prizes, making students want to work harder and achieve more.

Message from sTUDENT VICE president:

School Vice President - Macey Jayne W

Hello, my name is Macey-Jayne Whatcott. I believe Seaham High School is a place where students are able to be themselves, a place where everyone is heard. No matter how big or small your dreams may be, you are always supported by students and staff.

As I take on the role of vice president I am willing to put in the time and effort that it takes to make our school the best it can be!

I am supported by a dedicated, professional presidential team and I can’t wait to see where this next year takes us!